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Sunday, February 28, 2010

For Girls ONLY: Signs that Men are JEALOUS.(This is SOOOOO exciting!)

1. Pretending that he does not care
-When he sees you speaking with that other guy, he pretends that he does not care and it is obvious that he is pretending.  If he acts wierdooo for the rest of the day, maybe ignores you or creates a fight for no reason and uses this other guy as ammo against you, it is clear that he is insecure and jealous.

2. Mood swings
He may be perfectly fine but the minute you get a call from a co-worker, you see him go all quiet and weird. Or maybe he gets angry and maybe even physically abusive. A sudden and constant change of mood swings may indicate jealousy. Pay attention to see if it has been happening a lot lately.

3. The guy acts strange around you
Does he start to act strange around you? Have you noticed that he is not being his usual self? Maybe he’s becoming more aggressive.Sure, it can also be a sign of cheating, but if it is mixed in along with some of these other signs, then take it as a sign of jealousy.

4. Stalking
when he checks your phone, your mail box then it's a sign that he is jealous..^__^

5. Staring at you
Everytime you are far from him.. he is always staring at you..

6. He says mean things about your friends
So you’ve made an effort to hang out with his friends. Maybe even tried to get along with his mother! But when it comes to your friends, for no reason at all, he decides that he will say mean things about them. Even though your friends have never done anything wrong and are very nice, he still insists on saying bad things about them all the time.

7. He envies other people’s lives
He is constantly talking about other people’s lives and how great they are doing. Is he always pointing out how certain couple friends of yours have so much money or the hottest new electric car or the perfect vacation? It’s okay to be a little jealous I suppose but if it goes to the point that it almost seems like he is obsessed with their lives,  it could be a tell-tale sign of jealousy. And while, it has nothing to do with you directly, you never know when and how it could manifest itself  in an ugly way.

8. When others find you attractive, he gets upset
Instead of feeling proud or saying “thank you,” when others find you attractive, he gets upset and goes into a rage. This is jealousy getting the best of him. Shouldn’t he be happy when someone thinks you look good and not upset? That’s definitely a man I’d want to stay away from!

9. He doesn’t like you having photographs of former friends
Do you know those books under your bed or an online profile on a social networking sites with photographs of ex boyfriends or past friends? Does he get upset when he sees them?  Has he mentioned getting rid of them? Does he bring it up during fights? If you answered yes, you probably have a jealous boyfriend  on your hands.

10. He’s possessive about you
Does he want to know where you are and with who all the time? Does he call incessantly when you are out with your friends? Does he insist on knowing what time you will be done?  Agreed that a relationship comes with a certain amount of answerability  and I see no harm in informing him where you are going to be. But if too many questions follow, it may be a sign of jealousy.

11. Not happy when you talk about someone
You’ve noticed that every time you talk excitedly about someone, he is visibly unhappy and uncomfortable. It doesn’t matter what gender but you see that it is worse when the person you talk about is of the opposite sex. Now I get why he would get mad if you spoke about a certain someone ALL the time but if a simple, one off thing like describing how good a person is at what he does or what fun you had with him/her should not upset him. I know a lot of you like to employ the strategy of making your man jealous just for kicks or to revive your relationship but this would be a good time to say use it in moderation!

12. He gets angry easily
Everything you do seems to make him angry. And most of the times, you don’t think you’ve done anything wrong. It could be the simplest of things from spending a night partying with the girls or staying late at work. He doesn’t give you a chance to explain or even talk for that matter and usually you find that a night of fun is followed by him screaming away and ends with a major argument. 

sana nakatulong to..:)


♥♥٭gailL♥♥ said...

..nice true..hahaha....i like it..:)))

chiyoko13 said...

hehehe.. si ave ohh.. natuwa sa pinost ku..:)

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